The Book
The Powers will Help You Build an Exponentially More Powerful Brand.

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“I’ve seen all ends of the spectrum of brand challenges in my years as a CMO, from making the centuries-old National Geographic Society relevant for Millennials to launching digital brands for Boomers. In every instance, knowing how and when to wield some of these magical brand powers, while not falling under the spell of others, is absolutely essential. In an increasingly noisy, post-digital world, businesses that are winning are winning on brand. The Powers is a fantastic exploration of the magic that goes into building the kind of enduring brand that will be part of generations to come.”
– Amy Maniatis, CMO, Charlotte Russe
“I’ve been observing with keen interest the work of Tony and Peter ever since they founded Chromium. Many of their unique observations and ideas have been published in the pages of our magazines over the years. They avoid the fluff often seen in branding books; instead, The Powers is a nice, clean, useful and enjoyable read. This gem is a genuine benefit for anyone looking to create a more relevant brand.”
– Mark Wells, Chairman, Wells Media Group
“Peter van Aartrijk and Tony Wessling are signals in the noise when it comes to building a brand. They are my gurus for creating high-level brand and culture strategy – and turning that into tangible results.”
– Ryan Hanley, CMO,
“I have known Peter for over 20 years and have great respect for his keen skills and ability to assess and position a brand. Both Peter and his partner Tony Wessling have the experience that can be an asset to any organization. If you’re interested in growing and strengthening a regional or global brand that will truly resonate with customers and employees alike, then The Powers is a perfect read.”
– Jim Hackbarth, CEO, Assurex Global
“I received an advanced copy of The Powers manuscript in digital form, and settled in to read it on my iPad. Eventually I decided that it would be easier to take notes if I read it on my Macbook. Finally, I chose to print a copy so I could write, old school, all over the now-well-turned pages with a mug of tea close by. The Powers is a business book that has managed the impossible: It’s also a page turner. You are going to like this book, and you are going to read it more than once. And then I suspect you are going to keep a copy close at hand, and reference it frequently.”
– Dennis Moseley-Williams, Principal, DMW Strategic Consulting
“Savvy entrepreneurs know that building a strong brand is equally as important as developing a superior product. The Powers provides a valuable framework based on ten factors for success by which a leadership team can create relevance with their customers and investors now – while at the same time building tremendous brand value for the long run.”
– Gigi Wang, Industry Fellow, UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship; Chair Emeritus, MITEF/Stanford Venture Lab
“Companies that strive to be and stay mighty must do so surrounded by a powerful brand. The Powers presents an excellent framework for building and tending this underpinning of mightiness.”
– Robert Sher, Author, Mighty Midsized Companies: How Leaders Overcome 7 Silent Growth Killers
“The fact that brand is critical in building distinct value and differentiation from the velocity of noise created by new media types is self-evident. But how to accomplish this has been viewed as something more of an art form than a pragmatic series of tasks. No longer. Wessling and van Aartrijk take a lifecycle approach to brand building/maintaining that provides a road map for those in charge of strategy or tactics. Read this book and take responsibility for your brand.”
– Peter Weyant, Technology Solutions Executive

Chrome Orange is hard to miss. Its chemical name is sodium dichromate, but its common name is just “Whoa.” It was a popular paint color for the American Muscle Cars of the late 60s and early 70s, and it’s still powerful today. Want your brand to have some extra street cred? Let’s talk Chrome Orange.